“Certified demolition excavator operator I + II” seminars completed

In the last two weeks, 15 participants have completed the DA Service GmbH “Certified Demolition Excavator Operator I + II” certificate seminars in accordance with ZUMBau quality standards. The company M. Korz Baggerbetrieb GmbH kindly provided premises, their company grounds as well as demolition excavators and equipment in Enkenbach-Alsenborn for the training courses and supported DA Service GmbH in organizing the training courses on site. A warm thank you from our side therefore!

Taking on more responsibility and initiative with new specialist knowledge

After receiving intensive training on technical and specialist topics such as occupational safety, the processes and organization of demolition sites, the commissioning and decommissioning of construction machinery and its technology, the participants had to get to work with excavators themselves in order to put what they had learned into practice. The purpose of the training courses is primarily to teach the participants how to work more safely and with less wear and tear on the demolition machines and to provide the excavator operators with higher technical and organizational qualifications so that they can use the new specialist knowledge they have acquired to take on more responsibility and initiative in the field.

Theoretical and practical examination

At the end of each course, there was first a theoretical and then a practical examination with four stations. All graduates passed both parts of the examination with flying colors. We congratulate them on their certificates!

The seminars have been professionally supported by the companies ROTAR and LIEBHERR – many thanks!

Further impressions can be found on our YouTube channel: Video certificate courses “Certified demolition excavator operator I + II”

Photos: Hans-Georg Ribitzki