Construction site of the week – Spectacular demolition of the power plant in Ensdorf

Spectacular demolition of the power plant in Ensdorf

Last Sunday (June 30), the spectacular climax of the dismantling measures at the Ensdorf power plant took place in Saarland. Four structures were to be demolished within 30 seconds using explosives.

This was a unique challenge for the blasters responsible, as such a choreography of detonation sequences had never been seen before in Germany.

This time it was therefore much more complicated than in February 2024, when the former filter system fell towards the Saar as planned. In the early hours of the morning, the 117-metre-high cooling tower, two chimneys, each 180 and 150 meters high, and the 51-metre-high denitrification plant (DeNOx) were to be blasted.

Complex planning and safety measures

This made the planning, which had been going on for many months, more complex. 2,225 boreholes, 2,315 detonators, 32.5 meters of cutting charges and 112 kilograms of explosives were needed to bring the plants down. The cooling tower and the two chimneys had to fall in opposite directions so that they could come down properly. Several long cuts were made in the cooling tower using sawing technology so that it would collapse at all. Textile fleece and wire mesh were installed to prevent concrete parts from flying around uncontrollably. The passing train line, two country roads and the highway were closed.

Scheduled blasting of the cooling tower, the two chimneys and the denitrification plant

At 08:01 there was the first big bang. Within a few seconds, the cooling tower collapsed as planned (image 2). 12 seconds later, the first chimney collapsed (picture 3), another 10 seconds later the second chimney (picture 4). In contrast to the first chimney, this was a directional blast supported by tilting joints.  Finally, the denitrification plant was brought down according to plan.

Relieved facial expressions reflected the successful outcome of this unique blasting operation. Those responsible were very satisfied with the result.

Close cooperation of DA members

Site clearance work has to be done since Monday, July 8. Following the dismantling work, a chip factory, among other things, is to be built on the site. The former coal-fired power plant has been dismantled since the beginning of 2023. The power plant operator has commissioned ARCADIS Germany GmbH to clear the site. ARCADIS in turn commissioned Johannes Landwehr Abbruchunternehmen GmbH to carry out the demolition work. The blasting was carried out by Richard Liesegang GmbH. All three companies are DA members.

You can read more about the blasting in Ensdorf in the next issue of ABBRUCH AKTUELL.

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You can see further reports on the demolition here (available only in German): Re-Live: Kraftwerksprengung Ensdorf Der Tag nach der Sprengung in Ensdorf aktueller bericht (01.07.2024) – Was passiert mit dem Bauschutt?